Weather of Chengde
Chengde has a continental climate. Annual rainfall averages nearly 700 millimetres, most of it comes in July and August. Winter is dry and cold and has little snow, The frost-free period is 185 days.
The best time to visit Chengde is May, September and October, when people enjoy bright sunny sky, with the highest temperature around 30°C and the lowest temperature around 18°C. This is the best season of the year in Chengde when the sky is blue and clear.
In winter, it is cold and dry. Due to the Siberian air masses that move southward across the Mongolian Plateau. The summers are hot owing to warm and humid monsoon winds from the southeast bringing Chengde most of its annual precipitation. January is the coldest month and July is the warmest. Winter usually begins towards the end of October. The summer months, June to August, are wet and hot with about 40% of the annual precipitation.
China Tours inclusive of visiting Chengde