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Guangzhou weather forecast


Guangzhou Weather

Guangzhou weather forecast


Weather in Guangzhou

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Weather of Guangzhou

Guangzhou is located at about 23N and 113E, just on the Tropic of Cancer. So it is quite warm with nice weather conditions as follows:

1) its annual average temperature: 21C -- 7C;
2) its annual average rainfall: 1 982mm;
3) its annual relative humidity: 77%;
4) seasonal average temperature & relative humidity in Guangzhou:

With lots of cool showers in long hot summers, transient wet spring spells from the sea, nice and cool autumn breezes from the northern mountains, and plentiful warm winter sunshine, it is suitable for crops, plants, flowers, as well as tourism in all the four seasons.

With such a typical subtropical monsoon climate and a rich rainfall, Guangzhou is a city of fresh flowers all the year around. Guangzhou has long enjoyed the reputation of "the City of Flowers" and the kapok has been selected the city flower of Guangzhou Municipality and a symbol of the liberal spirit of the Cantonese.

Guangzhou Weather Records and Averages

Avg. High
Avg. Low
Avg. Precip
18.0° C
10.0° C
4.32 cm
18.0° C
11.0° C
6.60 cm
22.0° C
15.0° C
8.64 cm
26.0° C
19.0° C
18.29 cm
29.0° C
23.0° C
31.0° C
25.0° C
33.0° C
25.0° C
22.86 cm
33.0° C
25.0° C
22.10 cm
31.0° C
24.0° C
17.27 cm
29.0° C
21.0° C
7.87 cm
24.0° C
16.0° C
4.32 cm
21.0° C
11.0° C
2.29 cm


Guangzhou + China Tours

Yangtze Memorables Tour from $2,333.00
Seeing the Great Wall plus the stunning transformation in Beijing, and enjoying the unforgettable scenery on Yangtze River, take your time in modern Shanghai. Does it get any better?
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Guangzhou and Yangtze Cruise Tour from $1,132.00
Attending Caton Fair, means many days of business talks, factories blitz...Need a break? Take our Yangtze Cruise to see Three Gorges Dam, arrive at Shanghai for another run of business.
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Guangzhou City Tour

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