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Chinese Culture

Yunnan Dai ethical Water-splashing Festival


Yunnan Dai ethical Water-splashing Festival

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Yunnan Dai ethical Water-splashing Festival

Time: April 13 to 15 every year

Location: Yunnan Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous state Hongjing city

Resource: there is a legend about a monster who forced seven girls to be his wives, those seven girls are together killed this monster, but the head of the monster roll to the place that will fire. So those girls had to hand around one by one, the fire can die. Those girls were hand  the head year by year, every time when they hand to other one, people splashing water to wash the blood. From then on, splashing water instead of appreciate and pray, then become a custom.

Activities: Dragon boat competition, elephant feet dance, peacock dance, water splashing, etc. Those marriageable youth who were not marriage are "throw love bag" to find the lover.

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