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Chinese Culture

Weifang International Kite Festival


Weifang International Kite Festival

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Weifang International Kite Festival

Time: April 2 to 25 every year

Location: Shangdong Province Weifang city

Resource: Weifang is the hometown of kite in China, and also is one of three Chinese kite style, famous as Beijing, Tianjing of kite. Weifang's kite is rich of local tradition and customs. From 1984, it holds many years kite festival at Weifang, and Weifang was praised as the "world kite city" around the world. There are more than 30 countries and area's commissaries are come here for the kite competition.

Activities: there will hold opening ceremony, set free ceremony, International kite competition, domestic kite competition, top ten kite competition, visit kite museum, Yangjiapou traditional art show and shopping for kite.

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