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Zhengzhou Martial Art Festival


Zhengzhou Martial Art Festival

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Zhengzhou Martial Art Festival
Place: Henan province Zhengzhou City

Shaolin Temple has 1500 years history and famous as martial art to the world. From Wudai dynasty Shaoli martial art has already 100 unit forms. And the martial art is reach to most popular time in 600 years ago. Now Dengfeng city which is Shaoli Temple site in is a hometown of martial art. In order to show the Shaolin martial art and promote martial art, the government holds the festival every year.

Long famous for its Shaolin Kungfu, the Shaolin Temple is the Mahayana Buddhist Temple perhaps best known to the Western world.  The Shaolin Temple was built on the north side of Shaoshi, the western peak of Mount Song, one of the Sacred Mountains of China, by Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty.  Bodhidharma is said by the Shaolin monks to have introduced the sect of Chan (Zen) Buddhism to them at Shaolin Temple in Henan, China during the 6th century.

Activities: Varied Shaolin martial art show and competition, international martial art fans communication activities. Visit Zhengzhou Yellow River area, enjoy the customs of Yellow River banks.

Tours visiting the Shaolin Temple, Mount Songshan

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