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Biking in Yangshuo
  Biking in Yangshuo

Tired of facing computers all day in the office, we are happy today to go for a bike ride with Stewart! Four of us are dressed up: Stewart, Billy, Major and Leo. Bikes have been double checked last night, be sure every part is in good condition, works smoothly.

We are heading for Yangshuo by taking public bus. Never know that at 8:30 there are already so many people are going for the same place for fun!

The weather is perfect for a bike ride, we are cheering up for riding along the trails through rice paddies, till we turns into the muddy mountain road. Here comes the trouble time. Up up the mountail, all the way, after we think that we have reached the summit, make a short turn, another mountain show up.

The countryside is quite pretty, rice paddies are green, ready for the first harvest in Mid July. Women are playing cards, kids are playing around, animals are huntings for foods everywhere. It must a long time ago for us to see cooking smoke from the roof of a shaddy cottage, make us feel that we should belong to this place for centuries, and eventually in the near future.

There is no road sign at the crossroad, and it must be definite that we have make a wrong choice. We ride directly into the village, have a tea break here. Stewart plays table tennis with kids, and Major is sewing his second coke, bought from the local shop! We have not seen any young men in the village, and somebody tells us that most of them works in the city, only come home for family gethering on special public holidays.

Biking in Yangshuo - billy
           Ride on hills  
I have trouble for cramped leg, rest for simple treatment by Leo. It is lucky to bike with these people, I am sure that they can handle any difficult situation.

Now I have to push my bike to climb up the mountain, riding a bike for 5 hours on mountains is too much for me.

It is so good to ride on the mountain top. The river is 500 metres down the valley, the cruise we have taken for many many times, but never know that we can ride a bike on the top of all this beautiful mountains!

When they are speeding, squealing, rushing down the hill, it is the most exciting time for everyone. And we meet the Li River on the other side of the hill, the lovely cold water of the river, wash away all the hard journey today.

Author: Billy Zeng     Date: June 22, 2007  

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