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Vogue Wenzhou

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Vogue Wenzhou

Wenzhou is reputed figuratively as the "international trading city with special affections of mountains and waters". This piece of open land takes in the Chinese pioneering spirit of vogue and releases the vogue vitality with unique charms.

Vogues of Shopping
The urban area of Wenzhou is like a grand shoping centers. It boasts department stores with exceedingly strong functions and gathered famous brands, such as InTime Department Store (in World Trade Center), Kaitai Department Store, Times Square Shopping Center, D & L Mall (in European City), the Electrical Equipment Market of Wenzhou N0.1 Department Store and Wenzhou Yijia Sports Shopping Center. All the streets and lanes are also lined with big or small stores, which offer everything one could wish for, from clothes to small ornaments. Such streets as Wuma Pedestrian Street and Shamaohe Women’s Shopping Street are the best places for people to go window-shopping.

Vogues of Consumption
The revitalization of economy and the development of culture bring the Wenzhou people different views of consumption. In recent years, the pattern of personal consumption in Wenzhou is undergoing dazzling changes. Improvement of housing, traffic ad telecommunications, medical and health care, children’s education, cultural amusement and holiday making and traveling all have become the focuses of consumption. The newly-built Jiangbin Road is crowned with the name of “Café and Bar Street”, leading the trend of the consumption vogues in Wenzhou.

Vogues of Culture
As economy and culture develop day by day, the Wenzhou people attach greater importance to healthy and high-quality life and gain more profound knowledge of its cultural significance. While enjoying vogues, they further create various forms of vogues, such as facial beauty treatment, hair styling and surfing the internet. They have parties in restaurants, drink tea in teahouses, do fitness exercises and take part in cultural entertainment. Some traditional folk activities, such as the "Street Prayer" and rowing dragon boats, have also been renewed and developed, hence becoming traditional festival carnivals.


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