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2 Days Pingyao Highlights from only $130.00
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Pingyao dining


Pingyao Food

Pingyao dining


Gongji Restaurant in Pingyao

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Gongji Restaurant in Pingyao

Breakfast in Pingyao
Most of European visitors come to Pingyao by overnight train, it arrive at Pingyao in the morning.  The old town is still sleeping, no fresh coffee or fresh bread available.  Strolling along the ancient city wall, you find this Gongji Restaurant, while a cup of hot soybean milk is ready, and the young restaurant owner will recommend you some kind of dumpling for breakfast - ShuiJianBaoZhi and XiaoLongBaoZhi.

The food is simple, but no one will complain at this moment, in theis small town.  Please choose a clean place to eat.  In fact, you will find lots of foodstands on the roadside, where local people get off their bicycles, ask for something quick, continue their ride to work after a quick breakfast.

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